This page is generated by a Tcl script that uses the TclSOAP client code
against a list of SOAP servers implementing the SOAP Interoperability Lab
Round 2 proposal C service. The results are printed as OK or the error is
shown. The raw XML for the request and the reply is available via links in
each table. If there is no XML then the error occurred in the TclSOAP client
code or the server is down.
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | failed: expected MustUnderstand fault. Received "ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.}" |
request | reply |
echoVoid | failed: received error "ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.}" |
request | reply |
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.} |
request | reply |
echoVoid | failed: expected MustUnderstand fault. Received "ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.}" |
request | reply |
echoVoid | failed: received error "ns:Client {Encountered unsupported encodingStyle for message element.}" |
request | reply |